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Dvadesetosmi broj Biltena o evropskoj integraciji Crne Gore

Dvadesetosmi broj Biltena o evropskoj integraciji Crne Gore predstavlja najvažnije događaje i aktivnosti u procesu pristupanja EU za period april-jun. Bilten možete preuzeti ovdje. 

U Baru održana konferencija „Podrška EU razvoju mikro, malih i srednjih...

Konferencija „Podrška EU razvoju mikro, malih i srednjih preduzeća“ održana je u Baru, u organizaciji Ministarstva evropskih poslova, Ministarstva ekonomskog razvoja i Opštine Bar....


Conference “EU Support for the Development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises” Held in...

The conference "EU Support for the Development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises" was held in Bar and organized by the Ministry of European...

In six months, a large number of legislative and strategic documents were adopted that...

"During the first half of 2024, a large number of legislative and strategic documents were adopted, which brought Montenegrin regulations closer to European ones...

MEP signed funding agreements for projects with 13 NGOs

The Ministry of European Affairs will support 13 NGO projects with € 76,868. On this occasion, Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorčević signed agreements...

Info Day for the EmBRACE project: Opportunity for collaboration between enterprises from Croatia, Bosnia...

An Info Day was held in Podgorica to present the EmBRACE project (Enhancing MSEs sustainaBle gRowth And CompEtitiveness), aimed at promoting collaboration among micro...

In the final phase of negotiations, all available mechanisms and experiences will be needed After receiving a positive IBAR, Montenegro is entering the final phase...