IPA 2015

Four action documents for two sectors, with a total value of about 26.7 million euros (of which 25.1 million euros were provided from IPA funds, while national co-financing amounts to almost 1.6 million euros) were approved by the annual action program for Montenegro for 2015.


These are the following actions:

  • Instrument for European Integration (EU contribution is 2.5 million euros) and Support for participation in Union programs and agencies (EU contribution is 1.6 million euros) within the Democracy and Governance sector.
  • Direct budget support for the implementation of the Integrated Border Management Strategy (EU contribution 20 million euros) within the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights sector.
  • Promotion and protection of human rights of Roma and other vulnerable groups (EU contribution 1 million euros) within the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights sector.

Part of the IPA 2015 annual allocation include also funds for:

  • Sector Agriculture and Rural Development – ​​IPARD II (5 million euros).
  • Democracy and Governance Sector – Instrument for Civil Society (1.3 million euros).
  • Education, employment and social policy sector through the Operational Program Education, employment and human resources development 2015-2017 (5 million euros).

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