Naslovnica Info Press info Gorčević with Bušardi: Cooperation between Montenegro and UNHCR to improve the situation...

Gorčević with Bušardi: Cooperation between Montenegro and UNHCR to improve the situation in the field of migration

The Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorčević, met today the Head of the UNHCR Office, Jean-Ivo Busardi.

The interlocutors exchanged sentiments regarding Montenegro’s capacity to receive migrants from war-torn areas, as well as regarding migratory movements in Europe.

Minister Gorčević said that the transit of migrants is present in Montenegro and that competent institutions are working on improving existing and building additional capacities to offer an adequate response to the very demanding conditions in this field.

“Montenegro was the first to offer help to Ukrainian refugees after the Russian aggression against that country. In this way, we showed solidarity and a sincere desire to help people who need this help,” said the minister.

She pointed out that, within the European integration process, the issue of migration is treated through Chapter 24, which is precisely the focus of the Government’s work. She thanked UNHCR for its intense assistance to Montenegro and expressed openness to intensifying communication to concretize future steps and activities in this area.

“The Montenegrin institutions are ready to work together with the UNHCR to improve capacities in the field of migration and to continue supporting migrants,” Gorčević said.

The head of the UNHCR office, Jean Yves Bouchard, welcomed the reception of refugees who found refuge in Montenegro as a result of the war in Ukraine and pointed out that 6,000 Ukrainians currently have the status of temporary protection in Montenegro. He expressed the expectation that this status will be extended.

“We are grateful to Montenegro for everything it does in the field of migration and we will persist in providing you our support and work together with you to advance the state circumstances in this area,” said Bušardi.

He also pointed to the problems of apartheid, particularly members of the Roma and Egyptian population, stressing that it is necessary to find a permanent solution for this part of the population.


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